Welcome to Johnson Plastics Plus!

Your home for everything you need to make it, mark it, or personalize it.
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Forgot Your Password?

Please enter your email address below. You will receive a link to reset your password.

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Please enter your first name. Please enter your last name. Please enter your phone number. Please enter your address. Please enter your address. Please select your state. Please enter your region name. Please enter your postal code. Please select your country. Please enter your email.
Please enter your password.
  • Passwords must be at least 8 characters.
  • Passwords must include a minimum of three distinct character types: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, or special characters.
Please confirm your password.

Find My Account

Please enter one or more of the following:

Please enter your JPPlus Account Number. Please enter your Email Address. Please enter your Phone Number.

We found an account with this {{authTypeMessage}}!
Send approval code to {{emailToShow}}?

We could not find a match with this information. Providing both an email and phone number may give better results.
The error was:
We could not find a match with this information,
please try again.

Sorry, that didn't work. The error was:


Please enter the approval code sent to {{emailToShow}}.

Please enter an approval code.

Sorry, that didn't work. The error was:

Caution! Sending a new code will overwrite your previous code. We recommend waiting at least 10 minutes for email delivery of the first code.